5 Mistakes That Can Make Your Wedding Run Late

5 Mistakes That Can Make Your Wedding Run Late 

I get it; you have been planning for your wedding day for years now! Since you were a small child, you have imagined the finest of details of how this day will go. Unfortunately, things still happen. I've learned a few things over the years, and I'd like to pass them along to you. I hope they help!  



  1. Hair and makeup - I like to think of this as an artistic process. Wedding makeup and hair is a whole new animal. Plan accordingly; this can take much longer than you think. Talk to your stylist while planning out your day. They will have a good idea of how long they will need. Just a side note: Having the products they use on hand for touchups is something you should definitely think about. 

  2. Seating- At a larger wedding, getting everyone seated can take a bit. Think about this when you put your arrival time on your invites. Give your hosts ample amounts of time to seat everyone. Remember, people tend to trickle in, try to seat them as early as possible. 

  3. Organization- Being very well organized can help you avoid a lot of mess and confusion. I have seen brides hand out packets with precise instructions to those participating in the wedding. This is a great idea! Make sure to gather everything you need the night before.  


4. I always tell the family to come early. All to often, a family member will stroll in nonchalantly as the bride is walking down the aisle. I have also seen weddings run behind because the matriarch of the family isn't there yet.  

5. Last-minute photo requests for the photographer. In my line of work, I see this one quite often. You are doing your bridesmaid shots and start thinking about poses you want to do and start asking for more poses. My suggestion is to plan for this by allowing yourself additional time to shoot photos. Feel free to speak with me about the images you want. That way, we can prepare accordingly.  

These are just a few of the many issues I have seen over the years. I hope this helps you. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me! I am happy to help.  


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Brendan Le